Field Rules.
0-300 fps with .2g or .84j blue tag pistols & shotguns only for inside the maze. If your rifle chronos @ .8j it will be Green tagged to eliminate confusion for other players & must comply with is perspective tag given
15ft engagement distance
Full or semi
Blue tag is ONLY given to those who have a Pistol or Shotgun that shoots 300 or under @.8j for the maze, this is to help our referee's know that you may use your weapon in that area no other weapon will have a Blue tag aside from pistols or shotguns.
301-350 fps with .20g for CQB or .9j - 1.1j Green tag
25ft engagement Distance
Full or auto
351-400 fps with .20g for field or 1.2j - 1.5j Yellow tagged
50ft engagement Distance
Semi or full auto
401-500 fps with .20g for snipers or 1.56j - 2.3j Red tag
Cannot have full auto capabilities
Cannot enter CQB area with sniper rifle MUST transition to a lower (0-350 fps) weapon to enter CQB area
100ft engagement Distance
HPA users must have tournament lock to be able to play
0-350fps with .20G or 1.1j with .32 bb
50 ft Engagement Distance
Semi locked
450-500 fps with .20G or 1.8j will be Red tagged
100ft Engagement Distance
Semi locked only/ bolt action only
No "butterfly" triggers
Failure to follow HPA rules will result in ejection from our facility
Allowed: All types of mags will be allowed on the field
Allowed: All types of airsoft guns will be allowed
** Polarstar guns must have regulator with tournament lock**
All airsoft guns must have barrel cover (mandatory) this includes but is not limited to, rifles, sniper rifles, lmg's ect. . .
Allowed:Tornado impact, Madbull Powder shots, Grenade launchers, land mines, claymore,Thunder B's Any Grenade that makes a sound or a visible smoke or bb spray.
Not allowed: decommissioned grenades or any other "real steel" grenades. Or grenades that use 9mm or shot gun shell blanks!!!!
Allowed: Any weight and color, Any size (6mm 8mm), Plastic, Bio, Non-Bio.
Not allowed: Glass, Aluminum, any other than Plastic.
Power source:
Allowed: Battery, Green gas, Co2, High pressure air, Propane with silicone.
Not allowed: Gun powder!
Allowed: rubber or plastic knives
Not allowed: real knive, screw drivers, allen wrenches, scissors ect.
Face protection:
Allowed: Full seal goggles, full face mask, Any Z87+ rated lenses, soft shell mouth guard, mesh mouth guard, hard shell mouth guard, (Mandatory)
Not allowed: shop glasses, ski goggles, sun glasses, eye glasses, CONTACT LENSES!, diving goggles, monocle, Mesh goggles,
** Age 18+ must have full seal goggles, ear protection, mouth and chin protection. or full facemask
** Age 18 and under must have full face mask. (any questions see staff)
Allowed: Any type of helmet is allowed (not mandatory)
Allowed: Any vest, plate carrier, or chest rig is allowed. (not mandatory)
Allowed: Any gloves are allowed (not mandatory)
Allowed: any camo is allowed
All hits to the head, torso, legs, arms, hands and feet count as a hit!
Dead rag,proper eye protection for your age group, barrel covers.